To use the Acupuncture Points Page, select the meridian on the left side of the page. A list of all of the points in the meridian will appear on the right side of the page. Once selected, images, locations, points, Chinese name, actions, and much more will appear.


TB20 • Jiao Sun
Triple Burner • 20
Triple Burner Points
TB20 . Jiao Sun TB20 . Jiao Sun
TB20 • Jiao Sun • Triple Burner 20 Angle Vertex. Meeting Point on the Triple Energizer Channel with the Small Intestine and Gall Bladder Channels.
Location: In the temporal region, within the hairline, superior to the apex of the ear.
Benefits The Ears
Benefits The Teeth, Gums And Lips
Clears Heat
Ear Disorders • Eye Redness And Swelling • Toothache •