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 Governing Meridian
 GV 20





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 Vertigo • HNO. 2004 Nov;52(11):1009-13.
  November 1, 2004
Author / Title Additive treatment for central vestibular vertigo  / Sauer H.
Abstract We have observed in our own practice that numerous patients with primary symptoms of vertigo exhibit cervical segmental muscular imbalance and increased tension in the masticatory musculature. This is frequently associated with functional blockades, especially in the joints of the head and upper cervical spine. Particularly important are special receptors of the small vertebral joints and muscle insertions at the cervicocranial transition. Evidence indicates that there are neuroanatomic structures between these receptors and the central vestibular and cochlear core area of the brain stem, which can explain the vertigo symptoms as well as the frequently associated tinnitus, headache or otalgia. Therapeutic approaches include interruption of the pathological reflex arcs so that muscle tension can resolve and imbalances are equalized. The nociceptive stimulus to the brain stem and its core centers thus recedes. Deafferentation follows from the reflex zones of the posterior oral cavity in the sense of oral acupuncture. Additional procedures include neural therapeutic injections at acupuncture points at the cervicocranial transition, the ear, and maxillary area as well as needle acupuncture of the head, ear, and hand. In isolated cases, improvement of the vertigo symptoms is noticed as early as after the first treatment session. Among other methods, spinovestibular tests according to Romberg and Unterberger can be employed to objectify treatment results.
Conclusion Additional procedures include neural therapeutic injections at acupuncture points at the cervicocranial transition, the ear, and maxillary area as well as needle acupuncture of the head, ear, and hand.
Local HNO-Arzt, Allergologie, Naturheilverfahren, Akupunktur, Munchen