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 Governing Meridian
 GV 20





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 Reporting • Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2005 Jun;25(6):556-8.
  June 1, 2005
Author / Title An introduction of the international standard for reporting intervention in clinical trials of acupuncture  / Liu JP.
Abstract In clinical trials on acupuncture, the description of experimental intervention and controlled treatment are not usually reported adequately, for example, the acupoints and needles used, manipulation applied, duration of treatment, and other ancillary interventions and so on. This would limit the replication of the trial findings and application of the effective therapy. In 2001, an international group of acupuncture researchers discussed the problems in design and reporting of acupuncture clinical trials, and developed a standard for reporting intervention of the controlled clinical trials, abbreviated as 'STRICTA' recommendation, which contains 6 items to describe the rational of treatment, needling details, treatment regimen, co-interventions, practitioner' s background, and control intervention. This essay intends to introduce the standard and take two internationally published randomized trials of acupuncture as examples to illustrate the details.
Conclusion In 2001, an international group of acupuncture researchers discussed the problems in design and reporting of acupuncture clinical trials, and developed a standard for reporting intervention of the controlled clinical trials, abbreviated as 'STRICTA' recommendation, which contains 6 items to describe the rational of treatment, needling details, treatment regimen, co-interventions, practitioner' s background, and control intervention.
Local National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Norway.